seed ,
The Official Association for
LEED Professionals
in Taiwan
seed seeks to unite all professionals associated with LEED to meet up, discuss, and share the future perspectives of the green building environment in Taiwan. SL+A’s Mr. Simon Sue is proud to serve on the founding board as Secretary of the association. We invite you to join seed's ongoing networking and educational events to see what seed is all about!
- Networking & Continuing Education Events
- On-going
- Visit for Upcoming Event Info
活动通知:LEED v4之室内环境质量讲座
(LEED v4 Education)
在这辞旧迎新的时刻,USGBC将于2017年1月12日推出LEED v4系列讲座的最后一个单元——室内环境质量(EQ)。EQ涵盖了多种针对环境元素的设计策略,涉及到人们学习、工作和生活环境品质优化的方方面面,包括空气品质、照明品质、声学设计等。
- 活动通知:LEED v4之室内环境质量讲座 (LEED v4 Education)
- January 12, 2017
- (SL+A Shanghai Office) 上海市光复路195号创意仓库303室,肇勋设计咨询(上海)有限公司
- 1:30-5:00pm